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tv   KTVU Fox 2 News at 4pm  FOX  February 15, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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gun control reignites.>> how do we make sure that those with mental illness never touch a gun. how the president and local officials are reacting. and a lawyer for a murder suspect speaks.>> this never should have happened. >> we will have more on this couple accused of murder. >> peter wang, >> the broward county sheriff read the names of all of those killed in broward county florida. the sheriff also revealed the calculated actions of the shooter nikolas cruz. >> he appeared in court for the first time this morning, he is being held without bond on 17 counts of murder.
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we have the latest from fort lauderdale. >> reporter: hands shackled, dressed in an orange jumpsuit, facing a judge by videoconference this afternoon.>> these are very serious crimes. >> i knew that i couldn't just ignore that.>> this man said he contacted the fbi when someone under the name nikolas cruz posted a comment saying he will be a professional school shooter on his youtube. the fbi investigated but the tip did not go anywhere.>> the fbi conducted database reviews, but was unable to further identify the person who made the comment.>> reporter: and the leader of a white nationalist group said that he was a member but acted on his own. the suspect legally bought the
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rifle he used in the rampage.>> obviously i am traumatized. and heartbroken that this happened at my school.>> reporter: investigators say the main focus now is making sure their is justice for the people killed and the survivors. >> right now, we are on a successful prosecution of this killer. we will not leave any stone unturned.>> we want to show you some live pictures where thousands have gathered in parkland, at a get -- candlelight vigil. this is just one frame, the wide pictures show a sea of people, outside the amphitheater. it is being led by local rabbis. we are also told there is heavy security at the event. one of many vigils and worship
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services that have been taking place and will continue in the parkland area. >> this deadly school shooting has once again stirred debate about gun control and mental health. we are at the white house where the president addressed the shooting without a mention of gun violence.>> no parent should ever have to fear for their children when they kiss them goodbye in the morning.>> strong words from the president. as the nation mourned, all of those killed. the president pledging to make schools safer and tackle the issue of mental health. he also spoke directly to america's children.>> there are people who care about you, who love you. they will do anything to protect you. if you need help, turn to a teacher, a family member, a local police officer, or a
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faith leader.>> one topic he did not mention, gun control. the attack for -- prompted renewed debate, democrats around the country are calling for action.>> children are dying in our schools. all the congress has to say is let's have a moment of silence. >> house speaker paul ryan said people should think less about taking sides and more about coming together.>> one thing we know, if there are early indications for mental illness, i think we have to do a better job that people don't slip through the cracks. >> and the secretary of state is facing tough questions, talking about the presidents new budget. he said he would speak to the president and other members of the cabinet about gun violence. at the white house, i am kevin cork. >> we have had a mass shooting
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at a church in texas, at the concert in las vegas, and at a school campus. even if your children are not at the school, they can be affected by this, how do you approach this with your children. for more, we are adjourned -- are joined by merv from common sense. you have tips on how to deal with children. how about the youngest kids? what should you do as a parent when the children see these stories. >> this is what happened this morning with my own seven-year- old. she walked into the room as we got ready, it was on the tv. the conversation we had was, don't worry, you are safe, your school is a safe place and everyone is here to be there for you. also, letting her know that
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what happened is different from what she sees on tv. recognizing that there are differences between what really happened and perhaps fantasy material they might see on the tv. the number one, if they have questions, outside of making sure they are safe, make sure you can answer those questions. make sure you are speaking to them with words that are supportive, not necessarily that will cause more stress or anxiety. by using some of the scarier words. also, making sure that if these are images coming up on the tv, shut them down for a bit. make sure it is not a 24/7 thing.>> i was just going to say, you don't want them to go to bed with nightmares. but what about the older children, they start to have independent thinking and a better sense of what is going on. maybe up to seventh grade,
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there is a different way to handle those kids?>> the reality is a lot of them may have already heard about this before you can even talk to them. getting a good sense of where they heard of the information and how accurate it is. and also being there for them, a lot of these kids are not even sure what to think of this. you want to make sure they know they are safe. also, recognizing that if these pressures are happening, who they talk to. where can they go. and to help them find appropriate places to find the information.>> and then we get to the more challenging age, teenagers are teenagers, they don't want to talk to you. it is hard to know which way they are going. when they see something like this, they can say i know
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someone like that at school. or someone who might be that kind of person.>> it is an opportunity to really encourage something we call, being upstanding. if you see signs or you feel concerned, knowing where to go and what resources at the school to go to. just asking, what can we do if we see something like this happening. knowing some good crisis text lines, or places for more information. they may not be ready to talk about you right away, but making sure they have the resources they need is important.>> the idea is to just talk about it. keep looking for answers until you work your way through this. that is what we are all doing, even the adults. >> merv from common sense media, inc.
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for joining us.>> -- thank you for joining us. the senate denied the latest immigration deal. it felt 21 votes short, it would have created a path to citizenship for the dreamers, funding the border walls and tightened restrictions on illegal immigration. the president said he would veto an additional measure. the measure, also went down by six votes.>> i think this is a decision the senate is going to regret. i hope we can remedy the injustice soon.>> i think we missed an opportunity for the american people. and we missed a opportunity for the dock an immigrant -- daca immigrants.
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>> the supreme court could announce tomorrow if they will hear the case. coming up, he is a three-time olympic champion and also a role model for thousands of children with a specific heart defect. we will talk to a doctor about the condition and the hope it has given to kids around the world. day two of giants training can't --. we caught up with the ace of the staff. and in weather, another round of sunshine in the bay area after a will start this morning. coming up we are talking about a warming trend, and a significant cooldown, that is coming up.
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[ music ] catchers getting settled in at spring shaming. -- training. >> we are in arizona this afternoon, good afternoon joe. >> reporter: every spring is a little different, as the players roles evolve. no one fits the category more than pablo sandoval, he was part of the three world series championships, then he went to the red sox where he was hurt,
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and he came to the giants late last year. he would not have been required to be here, but now he is potentially a catcher. his role, if you make -- makes the team is to be a super utility guy. we know what he did on third, and that will be the role. i did speak to him this morning.>> i guess the panda hats are back. there were a couple years where we didn't see them but they are back.>> it is exciting. everything we have been doing. we have great fan support. we do everything we can to give the most excitement to them. i am going to be ready, i just want to be part of the team. try winning some games.
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>> another guy who is trying for a comeback is the ace of the giants, madison. he went from the elite league last year, and that he had that dirt bike accident missing three months of the season. when he came back, he really wasn't his old self until maybe the end of the year. we saw in this recent post season, they are coming up with the theory that starting pitchers should maybe only work through the opposing lineup two times around and then go to the bullpen specialist. if there is anyone who doesn't fit that category it is him.>> i am just more of an old-school mindset kind of guy. to me, this is the way the game should be played. whatever ends up happening, i still love this game and i will
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still compete. to me, this is baseball. >> tell me how he feels.[ laughter ] >> all kidding aside, that is not the case with all pitchers. you know? every game is different. you have your elite pitchers, making it a different game, let's be different, -- honest. the good news is if you are a madison fan, the coach looks at what the guy does out there on the mound and makes his decisions accordingly. the other thing about not having him in the lineup, he is a guy who has 17 career home runs. he actually had two home runs in the giants opener, they didn't win, but you want him in
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the ballgame as much as you can. we have more coming up at 5:00. reporting live from scottsdale, i'm joe fonzi >> i could listen to him talk all day. he sounds like a cross between matthew mcconnaughhay and john wayne. let me ask you about pablo, how physically fit does he look? >> reporter: you have to look at him at the pictures, he looks as if it as he has ever looked -- as fit as ever. you can't always eat whatever you want to eat, especially when your career is being a professional athlete. i think pablo is taking it very seriously this year, he knows this is it. he likes it here, he is embracing the role that maybe one day he will be a third
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baseman. i even saw him breaking in a catchers mitt. i think he will like the role of being a highly utility guy. >> all right. thank you. [ music ] >> let's go over to the weather center. no chance of rain just yet, in fact the opposite direction. lots of sunshine, the temperatures warming backup beautifully for thursday afternoon. we are looking out towards the golden gate bridge, a little bit of haze, but lots of sunshine. tomorrow, easy, warm and sunny, temperatures in the upper 60s, close to 70. satellite, up-and-down the state, we have clear skies. from the north coast down towards southern california, clear skies all the way.
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there is the live doppler, no rainfall just yet. our current numbers, lots of 60s out there for santa rosa, napa is 61, the cooler spots in the mid to upper 50s. also, a bit of a breeze with wind around 7 to 14 miles per hour. a westerly wind of 16 miles per hour, enough to add some chopped to the water. -- chop to the water. it is still beautiful out here at the bridge, mostly clear skies, it would be nice to add some rain. there is a slight chance for next week, especially for wednesday, but we will probably have to wait till the end of february. 30s and 40s to start out friday morning.
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san francisco, tomorrow morning, mostly clear and upper 40s. the temperatures should at least reach the low to mid 60s around the clock tomorrow afternoon -- 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. look at all these 60s. high-pressure is in charge for the short-term, after this, a big drop off, the coldest air of the season could be heading our way and we will talk about that in a few minutes. and this week, he made history by winning his third gold medal. he did so with a rare heart condition. he is now inspiring those who suffer from the same heart defect. we are joined by seth hollander, a cardiac doctor. tell us about this condition.>> so this is one of the more
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common complex defects. it affects about four or five out of every 10,000 people. the primary disturbance is the main valve, which connects the right side of the heart to the lungs, and it is too small. this makes it hard for blood to get from the heart to the lungs. it also involves a whole between the left and -- whole -- hole between the left and right ventricle. >> and this is something they will have their whole life?>> this is a congenital heart defect, meaning they are born with it, we often can defect it -- detect it before they are born. it can have a wide range of severity, but nearly all patients require surgery in
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infancy. when he had his surgery, he had his and he to surgery -- in a two surgery procedure. the survival rate is excellent, well over 90%. with excellent quality of life in most cases.>> it is interesting to see how things have changed. his appearance in the olympics, it coincides with congenital heart disease awareness week. what kind of impact do you think that has on kids in the hospital.>> i think it is astounding, congenital heart disease is relatively common. there are many treatments, and with the right treatment, many troop -- patients can go on to live in -- ordinary or in his case extraordinary lives. if they fall under the care of
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a cardiologist, they can go on to compete in highly competitive athletics. >> have you heard anything from children in the hospital who aspire to be like him?>> a lot of people are talking about him, both patients and doctors, there is a lot of talk. we are really delighted that we can see a congenital heart disease survival -- survivor, performing at this level. it is very gratifying. >> can you tell us where treatment for this heart disease will go in the future?>> we are always trying to minimize the amount of surgery required. moving more away from surgery, into what we call noninvasive procedures. even though it is not available now, we do hope to be able to repair part of this deep act -- defect using small instruments
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through the neck. so you could recover from surgery very quickly. we do this with valve replacements already. the technology is getting better every day.>> seth hollander, thank you for joining us.>> my pleasure. >> coming up. a convicted scam artist made his way to take advantage of fire victims, he has been arrested and we have the details after the break. ♪
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a 17-year-old boy from hercules high school, is facing charges. police spotted two suspects walking on 13th street. one of them wearing a ski mask. the two matched the description from an earlier incident where suspects were using guns threatening victims. an unidentified 17-year-old boy was arrested. police found a gun and a bag of bullets in his pocket. agents served a warrant as they investigated a man who is accused of defrauding victims of the north bay wildfires. this is an investigation of peter coke and coke cleanup. he is accused of taking large payments for tree and debris removal. the business owner has done little to none of the work. he calls the allegations against him politically motivated.>> i had a bunch of
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files and documents on the walls, they just came in and took them. california takes the licensing very seriously. i knew this was political, so i wasn't really worried about it. but i am sure they are doing their job. with the exception of one of them, they seemed like decent people. >> he was recently convicted of insurance fraud in north carolina. he faces possible charges of grand theft and being an unlicensed contractor, soliciting work in a disaster area which is a felony. the license board has said he has taken money from six property owners in the north bay. >> coming up, the couple accused of a brutal murder, appearing in court today. the lawyer for the female suspect spoke out on her behalf.
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we are learning more about the victims of the florida school shooting. as friends and family gather to mourn the lives lost.
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i we worked with pg&eof to save energy because wenie.
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wanted to help the school. they would put these signs on the door to let the teacher know you didn't cut off the light. the teachers, they would call us the energy patrol. so they would be like, here they come, turn off your lights! those three young ladies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. we actually saved $50,000. and that's just one school, two semesters, three girls. together, we're building a better california. >> are you nikolas cruz ? you are being charged with some very serious crimes.>> the day
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after, the suspected gunman, 19- year-old nikolas cruz faced the judge. he confessed to using a semi automatic rifle to kill 17 people. the sheriff also laid out a timeline.>> he was dropped off by an uber vehicle, and at this point the driver is not complicit in any way. the driver simply picked up a fair and dropped him off. he walked in -- passenger and dropped him off. i don't know that anyone recognized him at the school.>> once he arrived at the school, he said he fired into five classrooms and then escaped by blending in with fleeing students. he then bought a drink at a subway and then walked to mcdonald's before being arrested. this is reigniting the gun control debate.
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>> reporter: a day after the shooting, that violently and in the lives of 17 people. the political debate of what to do to prevent things like this, seems to once again fall on the centerline.>> we are committed to working with state and local leaders to help secure our schools and tackle the difficult issue of mental health. >> how do we make sure that individuals with mental illness never touch a gun? we need to have a real conversation, so we have public safety for schools in this state. >> reporter: many democrats say it is more than mental health. senator dianne feinstein has called on those to vote on her bill to ban ar 15 rifles.
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according to the non-profit research, -- group every town usa, there have been at least eight incidents of someone being killed on a school property with a gun. >> congress continues to fail to act. that is why it becomes incumbent on states and municipalities to do what we can.>> the rest of the country needs to adopt more laws like the ones california has. those need to be couples -- coupled with interventions for those experiencing anger, depression and trauma.>> reporter: california has some new gun control laws this year. anyone with an assault weapon now has until june 30 to register the firearm. ammunition can no longer be purchased online and delivered to your home. at the national level, a bill
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has passed the house, called the concealed carry reciprocity act, it would require states like california to allow visitors from other states to carry their concealed weapons across state lines using only their drivers license. some states like arizona don't require any permits to carry concealed weapons. we will see if this recent shooting slows down any of the momentum for that bill. and if it leads to anything significant. >> in the meantime, here at home, the couple charged with murder and the stabbing death of a woman found on a road near livermore. they did not enter a plea to charges of murder. police say they are equally responsible in the stabbing death of their friend, and for leaving her for dead along tesla road. motorists found her crawling
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along the roadside. before she died, she identified the couple as the ones who attacked her. they admitted to stabbing her more than two dozen times. and in a jailhouse interview, they said they acted in self- defense and snapped after the victim elbowed him. >> she is scared. and frightened by all of this. this is a terrible situation for her. she is not someone who is an ongoing, she doesn't interact with the criminal justice system on a regular basis. this is new to her.>> they are being held without bail and will be back in court on march 16. we are joined by michael cardoza, our legal analyst.
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daniel gross, admitted that he snapped. basically a confession to a reporter, cannot affect the case?>> of course, anything he says counts. so henry has now become a witness. it goes to show, i understand henry did a great job getting this interview, good job. but looking at it as a lawyer, you have to ask gross, what were you thinking? why would you talk to anyone? do you think you are smart enough to talk your way out of this crime? and then to say, she elbowed me , sending me into an emotional frenzy where i ended up stabbing her over 20 times. it does not work that day -- way. the question is, would a reasonable person in that situation go into that state of mind where you stab someone. would a reasonable person? of course not.
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he thinks he is smart enough, but i will tell you he should have kept his mouth shut.>> the other strange part of the story. he was in the backseat with the victim, he told henry lee they had just had sex. but his fiancie is driving the vehicle. now she is accused of murder. she is not accused of stabbing her, but she is still being charged with murder.>> well she is aiding and abetting. she is equally guilty and could be found guilty of first-degree murder. you look at this type of stabbing, that is torture, when you kill someone like that, it is a torturous murder. because gross said, we had a rope and she voluntarily allowed us to tie her up. who is going to believe that. so the da will argue they tied
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her up and raped her in the backseat. this pushes this into the death penalty range. she won't face the death penalty because the da knows that the jury will never bring the death penalty against the non-actor. so if they charge death, they will do it against him.>> and a question for florida. the suspect has confessed that he shot and killed 17 people on this high school campus but we know he apparently had some contact with mental health professionals. even though he has confessed, could he get off on an insanity defense? >> absolutely not. do you think a jury -- when a jury comes in, when i was an attorney, we tried a murder case where five psychiatrists said he is insane. the jury said, no way, they
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gave him the death penalty. if you go out and killed 17 people, a jury is not going to let you off because they think you are mentally unbalanced. because clearly, in this case, there is a lot of indication he did know right from wrong. will they bring the death penalty? i doubt it because of the mental incapacity, but this opens pandora's box when it comes to guns, rifles, shotguns, and automatic weapons. we keep saying we will change it, if not now, when? not in my lifetime, our legislators don't have the courage to step up and take care of this. what they do is count votes and say, the nra will put a lot of money and and i have certain people who want guns so i won't get involved. it is sad.>> i know a lot of people agree. we will see.
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>> we will sadly have more and more of these.>> christina?>> the barber stop -- shop theories -- series is taking another step helping those in prison. and the bay area is still locked in this dry weather pattern. once again for tomorrow, eventually a major drop in temperatures, i will let you know when we could see freeze warnings.
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[ music ] welcome back, let's go to the weather center.>> i keep talking about the same thing every day. sunshine, temperatures on the warm side, that will be changing towards the second half of the week. our live camera in oakland, nothing but sunshine, temperatures are trending up. we have clear skies up and down the state. just clear skies, and the radar, stopped to picking up rainfall -- picking up rainfall. we may have a shower on sunday up north. current numbers, 50s and 60s, san francisco 57, here is our
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live camera looking at the golden gate bridge. checking out the thursday afternoon commute. we are in the clear, and the pavement is dry. we have been dealing with this dry weather pattern. three weeks ago we were talking about rain. 21 days now of dry weather and we will add a few more days as we head towards the weekend. next week we have a chance for a shower as well. this has impacted the drought monitor. this area of orange has expanded, really impacting portions of central and southern california. today, this has jumped to 20%. so the rain free pattern, has had an impact on the drought. especially to the south. that could be changing with each passing dry day.
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this area of high pressure is still offshore, it will strengthen on friday and saturday, translating to 60s and possibly 70s in some neighborhoods. what is interesting, we are expecting a big change, sunday and into next week. we have this system moving in from the north, with a sharp drop in temperatures. monday into tuesday, major cooling with overnight lows down to the 20s. upper 20s in the coldest areas. a dramatic temperature swing. this particular model, trying to bring in maybe .01 on monday. we will not add too much with the bulk of the rainfall still up north. the latest model is suggesting more significant rainfall
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possibly around february 25. tomorrow, lots of 60s, some locations getting close to 70. we will go with that in gilroy and san jose. a big roller coaster here, warming up into saturday, then a sharp drop off. by tuesday, we could see some freeze warnings for portions of the bay area. try to keep those two days in mind. think ahead, keep your plants and animals warm. it will be the coldest air of the season.>> thank you mark. >> and a look at the stories we are working on.>> a candlelight vigil going on in broward county florida. the community mourns the 17 victims of that shooting. coming up, learn a new timeline
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of how that shooting happened and also the stories of those who lost their lives. we also have new information in the shocking murder -- murder case in alameda county. and a couple accused of killing a 19-year-old woman, returning to a bay area courtroom today. attorneys for one of those suspects dispute some of the early stories.>> thanks julie, we will see you in a few minutes. and next, the latest on the barbershop for him, changes to the county jail. -- barbershop for him -- forum, changes to the county gail -- jail.
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bringing community and law
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enforcement together through conversation. that is the idea behind this gathering. they have led the discussions at barbershops all over the area.>> paul joins us live from outside the jail. they will hold the meeting in the jail.>> reporter: that is correct, this will be fantastic, the first time this will happen inside the jail. we are going to continue the dialogue with the community. we have to remember that once the inmates are released they are part of the immunity. i am joined by the -- community. why is it that we are doing this inside the facility?>> i think this is a great opportunity for us to come and share what we have been doing in the community. this population is often overlooked. but when we are trying to bridge the gap, we have to take this into
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consideration. we have a number of programs we provide to the inmates. all of these programs help inmates as they transition back to the community. >> reporter: we are also joined by donald barlow, you are part of the barbershop meetings. what does this mean, to have people come in from the community. >> i understand the importance of reaching out to this community. at some point these inmates will be members of the community. we want to give them hope and let them see, someone who once sat in there with them is now out here being a positive part of the community. i think that is a good model. there is nothing wrong with bridging the gap. and hopefully leaving something positive on their mind.>> you will also talk about the importance of voting.>> all of
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course. often times, -- of course, often times we feel disenfranchised when we are doing time. and often, you believe you can't vote. i am out here now to campaign and advocate for many citizens so they know they can be part of the voting process. >> reporter: we also, this was our first time going inside here. >> to continue the dialogue, in juvenile hall, and bring it here. we want to help them once they are released to navigate through some of the pitfalls, and hopefully reduce the rate of recidivism. >> reporter: thank you so much, if you want to join the conversation, our cameras will be rolling inside.
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if you want to join in the dialogue, we will have one on february 26 in hayward. join me on that day. a lot of people want to hear this and we will bring it to you.>> can you tell us how many inmates will participate?>> the inmate count, unsure, we are expecting about 100. it is a very important thing, a lot of inmates asked us to come here because they see this going on in the community and they want to take part.>> thank you so much.>> we are going to take a quick break, we will be right back. refresh your home and save at ross.
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all outdoors that is. you'll find everything you need to make your outdoor space your favorite place. and if you want it all for a fraction of what you'd pay elsewhere, you gotta go to ross. a vacaville school bus driver was arrested yesterday for allegedly abusing a special needs elementary school student. the incident was caught on school bus surveillance video and as reporter cathy park explains, the driver is now facing felony child abuse charges. >> she was very forceful with the child. i would describe the video as being very disturbing and difficult to watch. >> reporter: for privacy reasons, vacaville police cannot share the footage but gave details about the incident on a school bus last tuesday between the driver 64-
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year-old kim klopson and a disabled child. >> the child was crying, begging for the bus driver to stop. >> reporter: the alleged physical assault happened when the young girl did not want to get off the bus. >> i would describe her as talking very mean to the student. >> reporter: and eventually the student was forcefully removed. >> the child sustained some abrasions to her lower back and her rib cage area. >> reporter: a school aide witnessed part of the interaction outside of the bus and reported it to staff, leading to an investigation with administrators, then police. the bus driver had a long history with the school district. she was employed for 18 years and before last week, there were no complaints in her file. >> where have you seen her? >> driving the bus when she pulls in every day from school because i'm usually right here before i go into the house. >> reporter: amanda medrano lives across the street from the school bus depot, where she learned to recognize most of the drivers. as a mother, it upsets her to learn anyone working so closely with children would treat them this way. >> there's no excuse for it.
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>> reporter: this morning, police arrested klopson on a felony child abuse charge. >> no child should have to go through what that child endured. >> reporter: in vacaville, kathy park. ♪[ music ] the suspect crossed fields and ran west along with others who were throwing and tried to mix in with the group that were running away, fearing for their lives. >> the school shooter in florida dropped his rifle and backpack and blended in with students running for their lives. we learned new details about the 17 dead and the moment police spotted the alleged gunman. >> he looked like a typical high school student and for a quick moment, i thought, could this be the person? is this who i need to stop?
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>> good evening, i'm julie haener. >> and i'm frank somerville. the mourning in parkland, florida is just getting started. tonight they held a candlelight vigil. >> frustration and regret, but god ... >> hundreds of students, parents and community members all gathered tonight in parkland, florida to remember the victims of yesterday's deadly school shooting. they prayed, held hands. at one point 17 gold balloons were released. this evening's vigil is one of many planned to remember family, friends and faculty all connected to the tragedy. we are learning more about the what the


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